Club Penguin Fan Universe

Vital statistics
Title Blueprint Artist
Gender Male
Race Penguin
Faction Hates inventing, loves drawing.
Health Great
Level 2
Status Blueprint Artist
Location Club penguin

Excuse me, but did you mean Perry the Puffle?

Not much is known about Perry, but he is the fourth youngest of G's Family, besides Dooley, E and Alexander. His 8'th birthday is on July 2'nd 2012.


Perry is 6 years old. He loves drawing and playing with G (even though G sometimes gets annoyed when he is doing his work) He does not like inventing at all. Instead, he prefers to draw blueprints. G hopes that P will one day draw blueprints for him, since Perry is already a master artist.


Perry print

Perry's first drawing. It says "G is Cool!"

Perry likes to draw on blueprints, though he really lacks a use for doing so. G states that a blueprint sheet and white drawer "was the first paper he used", and he never touched standard white paper again.

When he gets older, G hopes to use his blueprint skills for drawing his inventions. With P drawing G's inventions, G would have more time to build them.


  • Perry hates inventing but ironically draws upon nothing but blueprint sheets. G commented that "any other type of canvas makes him cry".
  • G hopes that P will one day work for him and draw his inventions.
  • Perry is seven years old, and wears a beret that says "ART" on it.
  • P is the only member of G's family that is not involved in science or engineering.
  • He is one of the few penguins who has aqua feathers.

See also[]
