Club Penguin Fan Universe

Master DJ X

Top:Rhythm, Frequency, Amplitude, Noise, Bottom Row: Harmony, Tempo, Melody

Master DJ X is a king black penguin that is one of the Masters of the Universe. He wears a black hoodie, shades, and a pair of headphones. He hails from the Happyface State. He is NOT an X-Antibody.


One unique thing about DJ X is that all of his assistants are Deciblies.

  • Frequency- A lime-green deciblie, one of DJ X's secretaries, is able to determine and control the pitch of any sound.
  • Amplitude- A pastel green deciblie, and the other of DJ X's secretaries, is able to determine and control the volume of any sound.
  • Rhythm- A Cyan Deciblie, who is able to replicate the beat of any piece of music.
  • Harmony- A dark green one has a knack for finding resonant chords.
  • Melody- A brown-green one, she is s a great composer.
  • Tempo- A bright green one, controls the speeds of any piece of music. Always carries a metronome around with him.
  • Noise- A sea green decilible, he makes sound in no particular order, and is used as a janitor
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